MiniBlueLight's Profile

They were last seen over 2 years ago

About MiniBlueLight

Hi, I'm Michael Qi, 19 years old, a first year student at UOttawa in Biomedical Sciences. I've always enjoyed reading throughout my childhood and that hasn't change since. Even though I'm an avid reader, I've never attempted to write much for fear of not succeeding (failure in writing short stories) and also because of my perfectionist side. However, since a few weeks ago, I've started a new project to keep me occupied, which is to write a novel (or maybe a trilogie we'll see haha). This has been pushing me in a path of determination to learn and I've come to love this passion. Although I may be inexperienced writing in English (my first language is french), I want to develop my skills more through practice, reading and constant improvement! To finish, I've wanted to join a club for a while and it seemed to me that this society might be where I can share my passion with other people with similar interests.

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