grungebunnyg's Profile
They were last seen over 2 years ago
About grungebunnyg
My name is Gwendolyn (Gwen for short) and I'm an 18-yr-old going into my first year of studying sociology/ gender studies. I've been into creative writing since I was a little kid and although I've never entered in any competitions as an adult I still like to write on my free time. I also enjoy reading, I mostly read poetry (some favorites include Emily Dickinson and Andrea Gibson) but I enjoy a little fantasy or non-fiction about philosophy here and there. Other than that, I'm an animal lover with many pets, a visual artist of sorts, and an alternative music enthusiast. I write a lot about my experiences through intersectionality being a queer person with a disability but I also like to write about the wonder of life in general. Enjoy!
What do they like to write?
poetry, grungebunnyg