RafDoodle's Profile

They were last seen about 4 years ago

About RafDoodle

Hello! My name is Raf. I am studying Biomedical Science at uOttawa, but have a wild imagination and a passion for writing. This quarantine, I wrote and published my first two stories - a Star Wars fanfic about the survival of Mace Windu and a original based off the legend of "Aka Manto". The stories are available on my FFN, FPress, and AO3 profiles below, and I am planning to write/share more stories soon.

FFN - https://www.fanfiction.net/u/13791793/Raf-Doodle
FPress - https://www.fictionpress.com/~rafdoodle
AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Raf_Doodle/pseuds/Raf_Doodle

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